What is an example of comparative advertising?

What is an example of comparative advertising?

Another highly-referenced comparative advertising campaign is between competitors Coca-Cola and Pepsi, in which advertisements will directly compare the tastes or benefits of one over the other. For example, the now-famous Pepsi Challenge is a recurring commercial that has been aired since 1975.

Why is comparative advertising bad?

Comparative advertising can also backfire. If the ad is received poorly, it can give your brand a bad reputation or make you look desperate for attention. For example, Bud Light launched a comparative campaign against its competitors, putting a spotlight on others’ use of corn syrup. Turns out, it didn’t resonate.

Is comparative advertising effective?

Their meta-analysis showed that comparative ads were more effective than noncomparative ads in eliciting attention to the ad, message and brand awareness, message processing, favorable brand attitudes, purchase intentions, and purchase behaviors.

When and how should you use comparative advertising?

There are two worthwhile occasions to use comparative advertising, which relate to parity and superiority claims outlined earlier:

  1. When customers can’t tell the difference between you and your rival.
  2. There’s a misconception about your brand as it relates to your rival.
  3. Be ready to back it up.
  4. Don’t pick on the little guy.

Is comparative advertising legal in the UK?

Yes, comparative advertising is legal. However, complex rules apply regarding what comparisons may be drawn. This is an area that has been subject to a lot of intellectual property disputes, so care must be taken to ensure that advertisements comply with applicable law.

Can you mention a competitor in an ad?

Under U.S. law, use of a competitor’s trademark in accurate and non-deceptive comparative advertising is legal and does not constitute trademark infringement. When using your competitor’s trademark in advertising, your company should consider the following: Always accurately depict your competitor’s trademark.

Is comparative advertising illegal?

Under United States Law, comparative advertising is permitted and, in fact, encouraged by the FTC, which allows the practice if the brand comparisons are clearly identified and the assertions made are truthful, non-deceptive, and can be reliably substantiated.

Is comparative advertising legal in UK?

Why do companies use comparative advertising?

Comparative advertising makes companies develop faster and generate innovative ideas in a highly competitive environment. In addition, this type of advertising attracts user attention, unveils the best features of several competing alternatives, and allows consumers to make an informed decision.

Is comparative advertising legal EU?

Comparative advertising explicitly or by implication makes reference to a competitor or competing goods or services. This type of advertising is only permitted when it is not misleading.

Can you mention competitors in ads UK?

Comparisons with identifiable competitors are subject to specific rules (CAP Code rules 3.33 – 3.37). You don’t need to explicitly name the competitor or product that you are comparing with to be subject to the rules on comparisons with ‘identifiable’ competitors.

Can you mention a competitor in an ad UK?

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