What year is MacBook Air A1466?

What year is MacBook Air A1466?

Identifying your MacBook

Product Name Model Number Year Released
MacBook Air 13 A1466, A1369 2010-2017
MacBook Air 11 A1465, A1370 2010-2013
MacBook Pro 16 (Thunderbolt 3/USB-C) A2141 2019
MacBook Pro 15 (Thunderbolt 3/USB-C) A1990, A1707 2016-2019

What case is best for MacBook Air?

The best MacBook Air cases

  1. Apple Incase 13in Hardshell Case.
  2. Bellroy soft MacBook Air case.
  3. MOSISO Protective Plastic Hard Shell Cover.
  4. Tolmount Handmade Leather 13in Macbook Sleeve.
  5. Londo Genuine Leather Sleeve.
  6. JETech Laptop Sleeve.
  7. iCasso MacBook Air 13in Case-Face.
  8. iCasso MacBook Air 13in Case – Brain.

Is a case necessary for MacBook Air?

MacBook Air cases will offer extra protection for your device, helping keep it safe in the event of falls, scrapes, dents and other mishaps. Even if you got a great MacBook Air deal, it’s worth it to protect it with a case.

What model is A1466?

For a Serial Number lookup, be sure to enter the entire serial number.

Intro. March 9, 2015* June 5, 2017
Order BTO/CTO A1466 (EMC 2925)
Family Early 2015 MacBookAir7,2
RAM 4 GB, 8 GB* 1.5 GB
Storage 128, 256 GB SSD None*

Are hard cases bad for MacBook Air?

Both types of cases would protect the shell of the Mac if cared for. It’s more the taking it out and putting it on various surfaces, moving it about on them, etc. If you want your Mac casing to stay pristine, you should use a hard case. they trap dust and garbage, are hard to remove, and get nasty looking quick.

What year is MacBook Air A1466 EMC 2632?

Available Upgrades

Introduced: June 10, 2013 Discontinued: April 29, 2014
Screen Size and Resolution Memory
Apple Subfamily Mid-2013 1
Apple Model Number A1466 (EMC 2632) 1
Model ID MacBookAir6,2 1

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