Why did Sara leave Bread Givers?

Why did Sara leave Bread Givers?

In the novel Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska, the main character Sara, expresses her dislike of her father. Sara is frustrated by her father’s tyrannical rule over her life and the lives of her sisters. As a result, Sara runs away in order to pursue a life of her own — filled with her hopes, dreams and ideas of love.

Why does Sara Smolinsky argue with her father?

She wants to be as passionate about something like her father is about his religion. Sara was constantly looking to live her life as an independent woman even though she admired her dad’s dedication to his religion. Reb Smolinsky was strong willed in what he did and Sara was the same in everything that she did.

What happens at the end of Bread Givers?

Though her mother’s deathbed wish is that Sara take care of her father, Reb Smolinsky quickly gets remarried to Mrs. Hugo does this as well, and the novel ends with the implication that Reb Smolinsky will soon escape his new wife by moving in with Hugo and Sara. Sara’s life has come full circle.

Who are the Bread Givers in the novel?

The book describes the life of the Smolinsky’s. Four daughters with their parents came from the old country, Poland. The daughters are Bessie, Marsha, Fania and Sara. Their father was known as Reb Smolinsky.

Where is Sara Smolinsky?

10-year-old Sara Smolinsky is the protagonist and narrator of Bread Givers. Sara lives in a tenement with her Orthodox Jewish father, Reb Smolinsky, her mother, Shenah, and her three older sisters Bessie, Fania, and Mashah in the Lower East Side of New York City.

Why did anzia yezierska write Bread Givers?

Yezierska was at the height of her fame in the 1920s when she wrote Bread Givers. She had already been exploring similar themes of surviving in a foreign culture in her short stories and novels. Her primary topic, the clash of conflicting values in a multicultural world, is a timely theme in contemporary society.

Why is bread givers called Bread Givers?

Anzia Yezierska’s novel, Bread Givers, follows the life of Sara Smolinsky and her desire to truly be independent from her tyrannical Orthodox rabbi of a father. Each time, the words were referring to Mashah’s husband, Moe Mirsky, as her bread giver and how she needed him for money.

How does Sara struggle in college Bread Givers?

The first challenge that Sara faces is abject poverty. She is forced to leave under extremely poor conditions most of which are of her father’s making. Her father’s lack of wisdom in American business practices often causes him trouble.

Why is Bread Givers called Bread Givers?

Who married Fania?

Abe Schmukler
Abe Schmukler The cloaks-and-suits dealer Reb Smolinsky chooses to be Fania’s husband. Abe substitutes expensive presents for genuine affection or attention, both during courtship and after he and Fania return to Los Angeles. A compulsive gambler, Abe uses his wife’s appearance to show the world how affluent he is.

Who is called bread giver of the world?

In this book, bread giver translates to the person who brings home the income for the house. It’s very similar to the term many American’s use today, “Dough Maker.” In this case, bread means money for the survival of the family even though the actual bread giver may not be so willing to give away his “bread.”

What is the setting of the bread givers?

Bread Givers — Persea Books. This masterwork of American immigrant literature, set in the 1920s on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, tells the story of Sara Smolinsky, the youngest daughter of an Orthodox rabbi, who rebels against her father’s rigid conception of Jewish womanhood.

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